Islamic knowledge according to the understanding of the Salaf Saliheen. Come to know more about Aqeedah and Fiqh.
Islam places great emphasis and importance on the Oneness of Allah. The foundation of Islam is monotheism, Tawheed.
TawheedMuslims are commanded to worship Allah alone without associating partners with Him. Shirk in Islam means idolatry and polytheism.
ShirkWhen performing Takfir, you declare someone or a group of people as Kafir (disbeliever). This concept is a foundation for being a Muslim.
TakfirThe creed of a Muslim contains foundations of faith and deeds. Aqeedah is an Arabic term that translates to creed.
AqeedahThe Testimony of faith of Islam: Shahada, is the first pillar of Islam. It is also pronounced to convert to Islam.
ShahadaDo you want to learn more about Fiqh and other important Aqeedah matters of Islam? Check out our articles and learn new things.
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