Sunni organization | Fitrah Tawheed

Leading Sunni organization

We are a Sunni organization based in the Netherlands, comprised of a dedicated team of translators, writers, directors, and an owner. Each member of our team is committed to their role, ensuring we deliver the highest quality content to you.

What makes our organization stand out is that it delves into various subjects which are often not addressed properly online.

As one of the leading Sunni organizations online, we give great importance to sharing sources from Quran, Sunnah and sayings of the Salaf Saliheen.

Number of People Reached:
258.000 +

On our website you will find various topics within Islam. We research every topic before dedicating an article to it. By doing so, we ensure a high level of quality and expertise.

Fitrah Tawheed is known for transparency, being direct, truthful, and for backing up claims with sources from the Quran, Sunnah, and sayings of the Salaf Saliheen. You will therefore see these sources of Islam within the majority of our articles and information we share.

Shedding Light of Clarity
High Quality Content
Dedicated Team
Cited Sources
Origin story | Fitrah Tawheed

Why Fitrah Tawheed originated

Our team is very eager to learn new things every day, from Islamic knowledge to Psychology, and other very important subjects that concern humanity.

Based on our research, we found that there was not much information available on these subjects within an Islamic context. Furthermore, the topics were often discussed vaguely, lacking clear citations or sources.

So, we aimed to address this by establishing our own organization. We share Islamic knowledge on topics such as Islamic Psychology, manners, beliefs, and more, while clearly citing our sources.

Our mission is to be a trustworthy base of Islamic knowledge for researchers and those interested in acquiring Islamic knowledge, while at the same time increasing understanding and respect for this beautiful religion.

Our goals

Spreading Tawheed
Spreading the correct Aqeedah
Correcting misconceptions within Fiqh
Countering misconceptions about Islam
Empowering readers and researchers to gain Islamic knowledge through the insights and teachings of the esteemed scholars of the Salaf Saliheen
Scholars | Fitrah Tawheed

Trustworthy scholars we follow

By being a trustworthy organization, that also brings with it trustworthy scholars. Our method is to refer back to the pious predecessors of Islam. What was sufficient for them, is sufficient for us.

We would like to share with you a somewhat lengthy list of scholars from among the Salaf Saliheen whom we, as a Sunni organization, follow.

A list of scholars we follow:
  • Abu Bakr
  • 'Umar ibn al-Khattab
  • 'Uthman ibn 'Affan
  • 'Ali ibn Abi Talib
  • Imam Malik
  • Al-Awzaa'ee
  • Sufyan Al-Thawri
  • Sufyan ibn 'Uyaynah
  • 'Abdullah ibn al-Mubarak
  • Imam Shafi'i
  • Imam Ahmad
  • Yahya ibn Ma'een
  • Ishaq ibn Rahawayh
  • Imam Bukhari
  • Imam Muslim
  • Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari
  • Ibn Khuzaymah
  • Ibn Mandah
  • Ibn Battah
  • Ibn 'Abdul-Barr
  • Al-Lalakaee
  • Abu Isma'il al-Harawi

We believe it is important to follow scholars who lived during the first three generations of Islam, also known as 'The Golden Ages of Islam'. Most of these scholars have written extensive books about Islamic topics.

So, we consider it very important to convey only their knowledge and understanding of Islam in every article we write. They adhered to the truth and preserved the authentic teachings of Islam, which is why we follow their guidance.

We do not feel connected to any modern scholars or preachers. Our focus is on the first generations of Islam. We give them presidence above others.