Treatment for depression
To understand the treatment for depression in Islam, we first need to explore what depression actually is.
Depression is a mental illness that affects crucial neurotransmitters in the brain, which are responsible for regulating mood, emotions, and behavior.
Islam teaches that with every illness, there is a cure—including for depression. Depression is a complex and serious mental illness that reduces overall quality of life, disrupts daily tasks, and impairs functioning.
Usamah ibn Shurayk narrated:
The Bedouin said, “O Messenger of Allah, should we not treat sickness?” He said: “Treat sickness, for Allah has not created any disease except He has also created the cure, except for one disease.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, what is it?” He said: “Old age.”
[Sunan Tirmidhi 2038]
Is depression a result of weak faith (Iman)? The answer is no. Depression is not a sign of weak Iman; rather, it is a mental illness that needs to be treated through psychological means, not just spiritual approaches.
While spiritual strength is important in life, depression is a complex condition involving disruptions in brain chemistry, mood regulation, and emotional well-being. This requires a treatment approach that addresses the mental, emotional, and even physical aspects of the illness.
1. Understand the Causes of Your Depression
The first step in dealing with depression is to identify its causes. Why are you experiencing depression? This is an important question to ask yourself, as it will give you clarity on how to approach and tackle the issue.
Pinpointing the exact causes of your depression may be difficult, but it is possible. A therapist or counselor can help you uncover the root causes of your depression by discussing your experiences and sharing your story.
Possible causes of depression
- Being bullied
- Unhappy marriage
- Social rejection which results into isolation
- Abuse, whether violence, emotional or neglect
- Other traumatic events
- Genetic sensitivity to stress
There are many different causes of depression, each valid and serious. Depression is not caused by weak faith (Iman).
Understanding the cause(s) of your depression provides clarity and the necessary information to treat it. For example, if bullying is the cause—whether at work, school, or home—this can greatly impact your self-esteem, leaving you feeling defenseless. The emotional pain from being bullied can lead to feelings of worthlessness, and over time, may contribute to depression.
Emotional pain is serious. It can make you feel small, worthless, and rob you of joy. Each time you are hurt, the sadness deepens, potentially leading to depression.
2. Find Someone to Talk To
Staying connected is important, even during times of depression. It’s natural to feel like withdrawing and isolating yourself, given the effects of depression.
Even if you are at home and unwilling to go out, there are still ways to stay connected, whether through online chat or phone calls.
It can be difficult to find someone you trust enough to share your vulnerabilities and experiences with. These are not easy things to share with just anyone.
Find someone who truly understands and validates your feelings—preferably someone who has experienced depression and overcome it.
There are also online support groups that you may want to join. These groups offer tips and help for dealing with depression and provide a sense of community, helping you realize you are not alone.
3. Address the Causes of Your Depression
Once you have identified the root causes of your depression, it's time to start addressing them.
This may require professional help from a therapist or counselor who specializes in depression. These professionals understand the causes of depression and how to treat it effectively.
The key factors in treating depression are understanding, acceptance, and compassion. Your pain is valid, and your depression is not a sign of weak faith (Iman).
Depression treatment process is not easy
Treating depression is a lengthy and difficult process. The fundamentals are understanding why you have depression, and experiencing/feeling the fundamental cause.
To give yourself some convenience, you can choose a person you want to go through the process with. Open up yourself to a confidential person.
Look up as much as you can and dive deep into your childhood. Forgive yourself for the unpleasant experiences you've been through. Feel all your emotions, and leave nothing untreated.
What about medicine?
There are several medications to treat depression. These medications are intended to temporarily reduce depression in order to function better on a daily basis.
Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, Celexa, Cipralex and Zoloft are the main medications for depression. It is not forbidden in Islam to use medication as long as no prohibited substances are used. Think, for example, of alcohol or pork products.
These medicines are not intended to cure depression, but rather to reduce the symptoms of depression.